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Words To Change Our World

You Will Learn

At the end of this unit you will learn...

  • To name things related to environment.
  • To use specific vocabulary related to the environment

Our Actions Matter

Things we should do to preserve the environment...

1. Can you name these actions?

Pictures taken in IES Sierra de Montánchez

2. Together with your mate, write more things we should do to preserve our world.

The more innovative they are, the better!

3. In pairs: think about all the things we have been talking about...

You both have 1 min to write as many words as you can remember related to the environment and the different ways to perserve it.


This section will be assessed by means of...

- Active participation during the activities

- Collaboration while working in pairs

- Writing the new vocabulary in your notebook

- Appropriate use of the vocabulary when sharing ideas about the preservation of the environment